Scenario: A patient is unresponsive and requires advanced airway management. BVM ventilation is becoming difficult.

Initial Assessment:

  • Responsiveness: Unresponsive
  • Breathing: Apneic (not breathing)
  • Pulse: Present


You are preparing for endotracheal intubation.


  1. What is the purpose of Sellick’s maneuver (cricoid pressure)?

    • a) To help visualize the vocal cords during intubation.
    • b) To prevent aspiration.
    • c) To improve ventilation.
    • d) To prevent esophageal intubation.
  2. What is the most reliable method for confirming endotracheal tube placement?

    • a) Auscultation of breath sounds.
    • b) Chest X-ray.
    • c) Continuous waveform capnography.
    • d) Observation of chest rise.
  3. What is an alternative advanced airway device if endotracheal intubation is unsuccessful?

    • a) Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
    • b) Oropharyngeal airway (OPA)
    • c) Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA)
    • d) Combitube