
The American Heart Association (AHA) defines adult CPR as appropriate for any person over the age of 8 years old or post-adolescence, which can be identified by:

  • Males: Chest or underarm hair
  • Females: Any breast development

This lesson covers both hands-only CPR for laypersons and full BLS for healthcare providers (HCPs).

ConditionAction for Lay RescuersAction for Healthcare Providers
No normal breathing, no pulseHands-only CPR (compressions only)Full CPR (30:2 compressions-to-breaths)
No normal breathing, pulse presentMonitor the victim until help arrivesRescue breathing (1 breath every 5-6 seconds)
Normal breathing, pulse presentStay with the victim & monitorStay with the victim & monitor

Important Notes

  • Hands-only CPR (chest compressions only) is preferred for lay rescuers.
  • HCPs should provide full CPR (compressions + breaths) unless an advanced airway is in place.