Adult/Pediatric CPR & AED + Standard First Aid Course

Adult and Pediatric CPR + Standard First Aid Exam

This exam consists of true or false and multiple choice questions. It's not timed (so don't rush) but all questions and answers are randomized each time (just to make sure you're paying attention).

When you're done you will see your statistics and receive your score - 70% or better to pass. Scroll down to review all of your answers and, depending on your status, re-take the exam or get your certification.

Good luck 🙂


1 / 50

1. True or False: If someone is experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning, you should move them to fresh air immediately.

Think about gradually increasing body temperature.

2 / 50

2. What should you do if someone is suffering from hypothermia?

Poison control should be consulted first.

3 / 50

3. What should you do if someone accidentally swallows a household cleaning chemical?

4 / 50

4. True or False: If someone is bitten by a wild animal, they should always seek medical attention.

5 / 50

5. True or False: You should apply ice directly to a burn to cool it quickly.

Persistent bleeding may require medical help.

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6. What should you do if someone has a severe nosebleed that won't stop after 10 minutes of applying pressure?

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7. Defibrillation is the most effective way to restore a normal heart rhythm in cardiac arrest.

8 / 50

8. True or False: A third-degree burn is usually the most painful type of burn.

Persistent bleeding may require medical help.

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9. What should you do if someone has a severe nosebleed that won't stop after 10 minutes of applying pressure?

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10. Where should AED pads be placed on an infant if pediatric pads are not available?

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11. True or False: An AED should only be used if the person has no pulse and is unresponsive.

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12. For single-rescuer CPR on an adult, the ratio of compressions to breaths is 30:2.

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13. An AED should only be used by healthcare providers.

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14. For a choking infant, back slaps and chest thrusts are recommended instead of abdominal thrusts.

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15. When giving compressions to an adult, what should your arms be like?

Shock affects circulation and vital signs.

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16. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of shock?

Think about emergency treatment for anaphylaxis.

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17. What should you do if a person experiencing an allergic reaction is struggling to breathe?

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18. What is the recommended ventilation rate for rescue breathing in adults?

Avoid rapid temperature changes.

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19. What should you do first if someone is suffering from severe hypothermia?

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20. True or False: If someone is bitten by a wild animal, they should always seek medical attention.

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21. True or False: If someone has a deep puncture wound, you should remove the object before applying first aid.

Think about safe ways to warm the affected area.

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22. What is the most effective way to treat frostbite?

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23. The recommended compression rate for adult CPR is 100-120 per minute.

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24. What is the first step in CPR?

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25. If a victim has a hairy chest and you need to use an AED, what should you do?

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26. The Heimlich maneuver is part of standard adult CPR.

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27. A pediatric patient in cardiac arrest should receive chest compressions at a rate of 80 compressions per minute.

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28. Chest compressions should be at least 3 inches deep in adult CPR.

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29. A pediatric patient in cardiac arrest should receive chest compressions at a rate of 80 compressions per minute.

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30. When giving compressions to an adult, what should your arms be like?

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31. Rescue breaths are no longer needed in CPR.

Think about stopping blood loss.

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32. What should you do if a person has a deep laceration with severe bleeding?

Think about how you can detect breath without touching the person.

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33. Which of the following is the best way to check if an unconscious person is breathing?

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34. The first step in CPR is checking for a pulse.

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35. True or False: If someone has inhaled toxic fumes, you should move them to fresh air immediately.

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36. Which is a sign of cardiac arrest?

Heat stroke is different from heat exhaustion.

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37. Which of the following is a clear sign of heat stroke?

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38. True or False: You should immerse a burn victim in ice-cold water to stop tissue damage.

Human bites carry a high risk of infection.

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39. What should you do if someone has a deep human bite that is bleeding?

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40. During pediatric CPR, a child's airway should always be opened using the head tilt-chin lift method unless a spinal injury is suspected.

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41. True or False: A person with a nosebleed should tilt their head back to stop the bleeding.

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42. Where should AED pads be placed on an adult victim?

Diabetic emergencies often affect alertness and energy levels.

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43. Which of the following is a common symptom of a diabetic emergency?

Think about detection and ventilation.

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44. What is the best way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in a home?

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45. When using an AED, what is the first step?

Think about cooling the affected area.

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46. What is the best immediate treatment for a minor burn?

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47. When using an AED, the rescuer should stand back while the shock is delivered.

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48. What is the compression-to-breath ratio for a single rescuer in infant CPR?

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49. What should you do if the victim is submerged in water and needs an AED?

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50. Which artery is checked for a pulse in adult CPR?