Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Pediatric trauma resuscitation follows the principles of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) while accounting for age-specific physiological differences.

Primary Survey:

  • Airway: Ensure a patent airway and protect the cervical spine.
  • Breathing: Provide oxygen and assess for injuries such as pneumothorax or flail chest.
  • Circulation: Control bleeding and provide volume resuscitation with isotonic crystalloids (20 mL/kg boluses).
  • Disability: Assess neurological status using the AVPU scale (Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive).
  • Exposure: Fully expose the patient to identify all injuries but prevent hypothermia by covering with warm blankets.

Secondary Survey: Perform a detailed head-to-toe examination, obtain imaging studies, and reassess vitals and interventions.

Comprehensive and systematic trauma resuscitation improves outcomes and minimizes the risk of complications in pediatric trauma patients.